Fail on condition


dnspyre by default always returns a zero exit code, but this behaviour can be adjusted by using --fail <condition> flag, which can be used to specify predefined conditions that will cause a dnspyre to return a non-zero exit code.

Currently, the dnspyre supports these fail conditions:

  • ioerror = dnspyre exits with a non-zero status code if there is at least 1 IO error (dnspyre failed to send DNS request or receive DNS response)
  • negative = dnspyre exits with a non-zero status code if there is at least 1 negative DNS answer (NXDOMAIN or NODATA response)
  • error = dnspyre exits with a non-zero status code if there is at least 1 error DNS response (SERVFAIL, FORMERR, REFUSED, etc.)
  • idmismatch = dnspyre exits with a non-zero status code if there is at least 1 ID mismatch between DNS request and response

So for example to return a non-zero exit code, when benchmark fails to send request or receive response you would specify --fail ioerror flag

dnspyre --server --fail ioerror

These fail conditions can be combined, this is achieved by repeating the --flag flag multiple times with different conditions.

dnspyre --server  --fail ioerror --fail error --fail negative