Rate limiting

dnspyre supports rate limiting number of queries send per second, for that you can use --rate-limit and --rate-limit-worker flags

--rate-limit is used for setting a global rate limit, meaning that all concurrent workers spawned based on --concurrency flag will share this limit. It might happen, that some workers will be starving and the load generated by the dnspyre will not be evenly generated from all workers.

For example this will generate load for 10 seconds using 10 concurrent workers and limit the load to 1 query per second

dnspyre --duration 10s -c 10 --rate-limit 1 --server '' google.com

--rate-limit-worker is used for setting a rate limit separately for each concurrent worker spawned based on --concurrency flag.

For example this will generate load for 10 seconds using 10 concurrent workers and limit the load generated by each worker to 1 query per second

dnspyre --duration 10s -c 10 --rate-limit-worker 1 --server '' google.com